Return Policy: You can return all items purchased from within 20 days from the shipping date when it leaves the warehouse if units are brand new and uninstalled.
Clearance items are non-returnable. The item should be in its original condition (including packaging, manuals, accessories, original crate, etc.).
Refunds will be processed within three business days of receiving the return at our warehouse. Due to the high risk of damage when shipped back to our location, you must package the product the same way you received it, including any shrink wrap, tape, and foam.
This will help prevent damage back to us. Damaged packages shipped back to us due to poor packaging may result in a restocking fee of up to 25%.
The customer must pay all costs related to original shipping and return shipping, even if shipping was free. After receiving and inspecting the returned merchandise, we will reimburse your credit card for the purchase price of the item, less the original shipping fee, return shipping fee, and restocking fee of 15%.
Payment Policy
Credit card payments are charged at the time of purchase, regardless of the delivery date. eChecks are accepted and are run at the time of purchase. If you choose to pay by check, products will not be shipped until the check has cleared.